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The Paul Mach Blog - October 2011

Living life on the edge... of the road
Photo by Heidi Swift

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September 2011 >>
October 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011 - General
Paul Mach dot Pro Recently I was told by Amazon that they'd discontinue my Kindle Blog if I didn't post anything soon. Since this would affect all of you who value this blog enough to pay for it, I took action.

There isn't a whole lot to report right now. We've basically been up here in Tahoe enjoying the Fall weather. I was riding the mt. bike a lot till I crashed and broke off a shifter. So now I've been hitting all my favorite roads before the weather turns bad. I've also been using this time to get a lot of school work done. It's time to finish this thing up.

We're moving back to the Sacramento area at the end of the month. We're renting out a room from Dan, so that should be Sweet.

In team news. I'm riding for Kenda p/b Geargrinder next year. It was definitively time for a change and I'm happy about that move.

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September 2011 >>
October 2011

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